Create Your Resume

Multiple Resumes

Free Resume Templates with Premium Membership

Create your professional resume

Create one or multiple professional resumes for free in a matter of minutes and easily apply directly on AOC for your dream job.
No more adding your profile, experience, or education for every single job application. Simply add you AOC resume created.

How your resumes help you apply for jobs faster

To simplify the job application process, create one or multiple online resumes for free if signing up for any paid membership package.
When signing up for a Premium Membership, you may download any of our resume and cover letter templates to apply
in addition to your online resume for any job on Artist on cue.


Add-in one time your skills, education, and experience and save the resume to apply for multiple jobs. Creating multiple resumes gives you the opportunity to apply for various positions with specific skills.


When applying for a job you also have the option to upload your resume or other documents in PDF or Word format, allowing Employers to download them for further assessment and selection.


When signing up on Artist on cue for a  Premium Membership Package, we are offering professional resume and cover letter templates to download for free to apply for any jobs in addition to your online resume created and showing at your user profile. Choose your resume and letter templates here.


No. When signing up for any of our membership levels, whether Free or Premium, you will be able to create for free one or multiple resumes and apply immediately for any Jobs on AOC with any of the Resumes created on-site.  Furthermore, you will be able to set privacy to your resumes created, having them either public or visible only for you. You may also choose if you would like to make it public, which of the resumes created online to show at your user profile. You are able to set your privacy at User Profile Dropdown/Settings/Privacy/Resumes.

Each job offered by an employer has its own description and required skills.  We recommend that you create your resume to target the specific job description and skills required before you send out your application.

All Resumes created by you on Artist on cue will never expire, no matter the memberships plan you choose. However, we recommend updating each resume created online from time to time.


When applying for a job, you have the option to either applying with only your online resume created or upload your own resume or other documents from your PC. Simply choose the resume or other documents from your PC, therefore, allowing the employer to download them.
We made it easy for you, by offering professional resume templates in Word format if purchasing the Premium Membership Package.

Once signing up for a Premium Membership Level, you will be able to access all resume templates to download. Choose the template desired, replace the text found inside the template with your own education, experience, skills, references, and contact, and upload the resume when applying for a job along with your online resume created on AOC.

If you want to edit your Resume, please go to your User Account – Profile – Resume and under ‘My Resumes’ choose the Resume you would like to edit and click on ‘edit’. Once approved by an admin, your Resume will be live again.

If you already found your perfect position or you don’t want certain resumes to be visible on-site anymore, please go to your User Account – Profile – Resumes and under My Resumes choose the Resume you would like to hide and click on ‘hide’. The Resume will be automatically hidden from Artist on cue site.

If you already found your perfect position or you don’t want certain resumes to be visible on-site anymore, please go to your User Account – Profile – Resumes and under My Resumes choose the Resume you would like to delete and click on  ‘delete’. The Resume will be automatically deleted from Artist on cue site.

Yes, we are. If purchased the Premium Membership Package, we are offering you the option to download professional resume and cover letter templates in Word format for free.

Latest Resume Templates

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